We received the visit of mayaeight Resident from Grid Trek Magazine, in her touring around to complete April's Issue about "Animals and Airports". She makes a wonderful job showing different places in Second Life, some very well known, some hidden gems. You can grab the magazine issues for 10L at Galery Nr. 8, or suscribe to the kiosk there and receive them for free.

"Beverly is an Airport, Marina, Golf Club, and Racetrack. Located three regions from Blake Sea, it provides GTFO for sea, air, and land vehicles. Visit the different levels and explore the many activities that can be enjoyed here. This is a friendly community where everybody is welcome."
"Wear the HUD for easy teleport to all the locations in this sim. This is a genuinely full-service travel location!. I was fortunated to meet the owners, June Clavenham and Bobby MacDevin, who were hard at work on the fine details. True to their description, they are friendly, and they made me inmediately welcome"