Why to rent at Beverly?
Beverly was built with the purpose of providing residents with a friendly space, and a lot of different activities to do.
Renting at Beverly you not only have access to the different places in our region, but also:
- You get free use of our installations for your public or private parties.
- We provide flexibility for your requirements (in terms of space when possible, and number of prims)
- You will be part of a very friendly and active community
- You will have priority at certain events (like lessons, private flights, etc.)

What Can I rent?
There are different options for you to rent the space that is more convenient for your interest:
- BIG HANGAR WITH OFFICE - 250 prims, 375L/week.
None Available
- SMALL HANGARS - 150 prims, 225L/week
1 Available
- TIERS - 100 prims, 150L/week
None Available
-CHECKPOINTS - 10 prims/15L/week
None Available
- STORE or OFFICE - 50 prims, 75L/week
2 Available

-BOATHOUSE - 200 prims, 300L/week
1 Available
- SLIPS - 200 prims, 300L/week
1 Available
- SMALL SLIPS - 60 prims, 90L/week
5 Available

Small house with front and back yard next to the golf course
100 prims, 200L/week
20 prims, 220L/week
3 Available

Beverly Rules
- Breedables, Prim Babies, Zooby Babies and pets in general are not allowed
- Any use of excessive scripts or other such activities that adversely affects region performance will not be permitted.
- Weather systems are not permitted.
- Temp Rezzers are NOT allowed.
- No signs - no spinning or flashing prims. No particle effects allowed
- No security systems are allowed,
- While we do not care what you do inside your house or boathouse , this is a public place and region is “moderate” and we interpret that to mean NO PUBLIC NUDITY, and no public sexual activities allowed.
If you have any questions please contact Bobby or June